Tuesday, 21 August 2012

Flipping House

The term flipping house is used to described purchasing revenue generating asset and quickly reselling it for profit. Sometimes others thought (new to this business) that in this kind of business, you are excluded in paying capital gain. Well you don’t need to pay capital gain if it is not for reselling purpose or you will be living in the house you are buying.

When you venture to this kind of business, you need to be ready with all the necessary information. If you are tight budget type, you need to reconsider, because there are some unexpected expenses that come along the way. Normally the process is for sale houses in a good location, good neighborhood and good ambiance. Eager to buy it, you will contact the real estate agent, remember you have competitor in buying that house, which surely thinking the same thing ‘profit’.

If you are an old timer investor who knows what houses are going to be marketable or houses that are ‘selling like hot cakes’, you can already do flipping house. Once you bid, real estate agents will check on all the offer. Sometimes there are some buyers who are best in using aggressive approach - approach that could be annoying like buyer keeps on calling even to the agents house, calling on the real owner of the house or giving some story on how badly they want to buy and renovate the house, and surprisingly agent will give in, even there are better offer. For the investor, there is a lot of work to be done, although it already planned on how it will end up or look like after the changes and renovation.

Good investors don’t just buy houses for flipping, but also, they are looking for persons who will probably work with them at affordable price. You can research that even one knows how to draw and lay out things, he still hires a draftsman because he doesn’t have a license. Make sure to check even the draftsman you are going to hire - sometimes you can hire a draftsman who is not too expensive, which will help you indeed with your budget. And there are some draftsmen, who have some architecture background or maybe taking up architecture at the same time, so he will provide some suggestion or idea, you will find it brilliant and unique, and will adopt it.

Flipping house is truly a good type of investment, knowing your budget and your plan with the house - surely it will become a profit.

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