Wednesday, 15 August 2012

Tree houses

Tree houses are structures built amongst the branches or within the outer structure of a tree. They are normally raised above the ground and are made of wooden materials such as timber. They can be lived in as a permanent housing solution, or they can be used as a playhouse for younger children.

What are Tree Houses used for?

When you think of a tree house, you automatically think of a house, which is used by young mischievous children. However they are also seen as an environmentally friendly way of building housing in forestry areas. Because they are raised off the ground, it is not necessary to destroy plants and tress to build them. Therefore they can solve the problem of housing in an area where people might have lived in tents or built houses on top of wildlife areas. In some countries they live in tree houses, not just to save the environment but also to protect their homes, food and belongings from wild animals.

What are They Made of?

Wood is usually the main component used when building a tree house, however they may have metal framework.

Sometimes recycled materials are used, majority of the time, doors and windows are items that may have been claimed from junk yards or building site waste. This is a cost effective, eco-friendly way of building a tree house.

How popular are Tree Houses?

Tree Houses, have become more popular in recent years, countries such as the United States and even the UK have seen a rise in the use of tree houses for recreational purposes. Most people build tree houses for their children to use as a play house, or a hideaway. However some people also use tree houses as an alternative home office or extra room.

There has been a major surge in the popularity of tree houses, with there being so many different styles to choose from, it can be hard to pick. However, gone are the days when you just built your tree house for your son or daughter yourself. There are a few very good professional tree house building companies out there. Most of them offer some very competitive prices, as well as a wide range of styles to suit your needs. Tree houses are making a comeback, and they are not just for the goonies in the 1980's film by the same name. They are pretty much for everyone. With retro styling being considered "cool" tree houses are welcome additions to the list of all things retro.

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